Registered Charity No. 225318
Press Report
Entering its eighty-ninth year the Trustees of the Joseph Rank Benevolent Fund met to review the accounts and discuss increasing support for Hull’s pensioners and those over 55 years of age during the coming year.
During 2022 £139,470 was paid out to 461 local people in Hull in monthly awards. The Trustees also awarded an extra gift of £125 per person to provide them with additional assistance to cope with the sudden and large rise in the cost of living.
An additional sum of £6,000 was donated to eight Hull charities. These included Kids Yorkshire & Humber, Catzero, Sight Support, Teenage Cancer, Hull Women’s Aid, National Gulf Veterans and Families Association, Artlink Centre for Community Arts and Hull 4 Heroes.
At the Annual General Meeting, Mrs. June Clunie was elected Chairman. The Fund was founded in 1934 by Mr Joseph Rank and has made allowances totalling £4,226,390 to 8,153 pensioners in the Hull area and in addition, has awarded £180,585 to Local Charities since its inception.
The total money paid out of the Fund since 1934 is now:- £4,406,975.
Current Trustees
Mrs. J. Clunie (Chairman)
Mr. J.R. Newton (Vice Chairman)
Mr. K. Webster
Mr M. Lucas
Mrs. V. Heuck
Mrs. J. Waite
Miss. D. North
Curtesy of Hull Daily Mail